Specialty that treats heart disorders and certain parts of the circulatory system.
Specialty studying diabetes, that is to say an overabundance of urine, as well as diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diabetes patients.
Speciality that studies hormonal disorders and abnormalities of the endocrine glands. This speciality also treats metabolic disorders.
Medical surgical speciality that deals with the physiology and disorders of the female genital system.
Specialty taking charge of the primary health care of a community, without being limited to groups of diseases belonging to a particular organ, age, or sex.
Speciality that studies the digestive system and its diseases.
Speciality that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nose, throat, ear and head and neck region.
Speciality interested in respiratory pathologies.
Medical speciality dealing with mental illness.
Speciality that deals with skin, mucous membranes and phanera.
Speciality to prevent, diagnose and treat kidney disease.